Bali, again.
The thought of Bali saddens me deeply. My most treasured spot in this universe is once again shattered. I felt like screaming from the top of my lungs while being trapped in an etherless space; nothing came out. Nothing but a silent scream with deafening echoes. There's so much anger and sadness, but I am so powerless.
The thought of Bali saddens me deeply. My most treasured spot in this universe is once again shattered. I felt like screaming from the top of my lungs while being trapped in an etherless space; nothing came out. Nothing but a silent scream with deafening echoes. There's so much anger and sadness, but I am so powerless.
woahahahaha *ketawa buto ijo* .. maap anda terjebak biji salak bang ...menjawab pertanyaan, itu lho tshirt dari bahan khusus yg utk sport, spt tshirt bola, tshirt sepdahan dll gitchuuuw !