
sexy chef zei…
waduhh fresh from the oven ya fotonya.. wen makan apa aja kamuhh.. jalan kemana aja? cerita dong!
sexy chef zei…
huuuuuu aku blom puasss! ketemunya bentar banget wennnn..
sexy chef zei…
ooy zus Wendy udah pulang ya? kapan pulangnya Wen? terus gimana dong cerita perjalanannya udah ga sabar nih mau baca.. salam ya buat bang Huub *hihi suamimu itu pinter ya Wen*, I just want to tell you how nice to see you off line.. hope we could make it again in another time, but please give more time to chi chat with you.. *tapi kapan ya Wendy pulkam lagi? >> *

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