Inspirasi buat nulis kata-kata indah, datangnya bisa dari mana-mana. Orang jatuh cinta, biasanya tiba-tiba jadi hobi bikin puisi. Orang patah cinta, sama juga. Orang kesepian, orang kangen, orang sedih. Tapi ada juga lho, orang yang inspirasinya datang kalao lagi nongkrong di WC. Contohnya si Ghostdancer. Di toilet dia tidak hanya menghasilkan bunyi "plung! plung!" :-) tapi juga kata2 bagus yang biasanya dikumpulin di blog-nya. Kunjungilah beramai-ramai bersama Bapak, Ibu, Kakak, Adik, Pak RT, Tetangga. *Promosi nih, G!*

Ada lagi teman saya si Mushroom yang inspirasinya datang dari degup jantung kecil dalam rahimnya. Jadi, untuk para ibu dan remaja putri sekalian yang lagi mencari inspirasi, hamillah. Hehe.. ini tulisannya Mushroom yang gue embat dari web-nya. (maling jujur beraksi lagi ;-P). Enjoy!

Sunset Intimacy

It's like memories around sunset are not enough,
one more will fill a space of my brain in the future.
Intimacy with someone when I sit down on the floor.
We make a conversation without talking,
We feel the existence of one another without seeing each other.
We both worried, but we cheer up each other,

I can talk a lot to you, just to make you recognize my voice,
just to make you sure that this voice will make you relax.

I can sit down on the floor for hours,
just to read you lovely words from centuries ago,
just to make you familiar with this words,
words that will call you to come back, when you are lost.

I can relax for hours,
just to sing you lovely songs,
just to calm you down.

I will do them anytime I have a chance in your life,
before you hear another sounds, another words, another songs. Insya Allah.


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