H - 6

Hohoooo... countdown sudah bisa dimulai. Enam hari lagi menuju hari H. Enaknya menikmati saat-saat mau pulang kampung. Saya dan Huub sekarang bicara dalam timeframe liburan melulu. Contohnya dia suka bilang gini nih, "Dua minggu dari sekarang, kita lagi makan chicken rice di hawker center." Atau; "Jam segini 10 hari lagi, kita udah boarding pesawat." Atau yang paling baru; "Minggu depan, kamu pasti kangen tidur bergulung di bawah selimut seperti sekarang."

The journey to my kampung has begun not in the terms of physical being. I am still here, but I am not here anymore. My dreams have wildly arrived at their destination. Then my thoughts managed to escape to where they long to be. My soul has fled captivity and dashed across millions of lands and oceans. Whereas I - physically abandoned by my dreams, my thoughts and my souls - struggle to tame that flame of excitement that sparks wildly by the thought of one single word: ... home.


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